Trading Spaces

My cousins and sisters explained to me that in most relationships, men always trade up while women trade down. That means, the women get shafted (pun not intended) with craptastic men, whereas the men win themselves an ultimate housewife. Thinking through my friend’s that I know, this trend does seem to be quite accurate. But how does it apply to gay life? Is that why we’re all single? Are we all looking to trade up, but fail to do so as we can’t possibly both trade up? I can honestly say I traded down, like, way way down, for my last relationship, and was absolutely happy and in love. I mean that with absolutely no offense to my ex, but aside from him taking most of my assets when he left my apartment, and aside from me making more money than him, and aside from all the lies I’ve endured; for the past 6 years I’ve known and dated him, he’s on average had sex with one other guy per year more than me (as I’ve only had sex with him for the past six years). Does that make me a woman since he CLEARLY traded up?

Probably. It would also explain why I’m an emotional wreck while he’s likely still enjoying a hedonistic life of lying and sex. Apparently, a mutual friend of ours was told that the breakup was mutual, and the reason for the breakup was that I didn’t want to settle down whereas he was very ready to settle down. Bitch, tell me that when you come out to your parents for your partner, invite your partner to your family’s house, purchase all the assets for your joint home, and also when you stop flirting with your partner’s friends and sleeping around with other men. Really. Who is the one who wanted to settle down?

It’s ironic that my ex failed to meet my simple expectations of honesty and fidelity when we were together; and now I’m upset over the fact that he is again unable to meet my expectations of offering at the very least an honest response on why he broke up with me to his friends. He couldn’t meet my expectations when we were together, so why would I ever think he could meet them when we’re not?

/end angry vent.

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